If you are looking for statistics regarding the population and steets of Cpe Girardeau City, Missouri, you have come to the right place. We've got all the statistics you need, so you can make an informed decision. Read on to find out more about the city's history, people, and other interesting facts. Also, get to know the latest news and events in Cpe Girardeau City.
Cape Girardeau has undergone several expansions within its corporate limits. The area northwest of the University is largely residential, while the commercial sector developed along Interstate 55 in the 1970s. Along the southern side of the city, the Greater Cape Girardeau Industrial Park was constructed. The city's historic downtown is full of notable buildings, including the 1854 Common Pleas Courthouse and the St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church.
The city is divided between two legislative districts. Most of the city lies in the 147th Legislative District, while small portions of the city lie in the 146th. The 146th Legislative District is represented by Republican Barry Hovis. It is also part of the Missouri 8th Congressional District, which is currently represented by Republican Jason T. Smith. There are also many Republican candidates in the area.
The city's population was 28,870 people, with twenty-five percent of the population under the age of eighteen. Twenty-four percent of households were headed by a married couple, while 10.9% were headed by a female who was not her husband. Forty-three percent of households were non-families. Three quarters of all households were headed by a single individual, and eleven percent were headed by elderly people. The city's median age was 34 years old. Approximately 88.9 males lived in every 100 female households, and the ratio of males to females was 89.5:1.