Dawn, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Dawn, TX, is a bafflingly large number. How can you determine if Dawn is a safe town to live in? First, you'll need to know what cities are nearby. Dawn, TX, is approximately 151 miles from Dallas. You may want to find the nearest city that serves your needs. If you don't have a car, a list of nearby cities may be helpful.

In the early twentieth century, the city had a population of ninety-four. The census reported that the town had three elevators and a post office in 1891. In the same year, the Pecos Valley and Northeastern Railway built a railroad depot in Dawn. The population grew to fifty-two in 2000. However, the population shrank in the following years. The school district was consolidated with Hereford.