When you're planning a vacation to Devils Elbow, MO, you may want to know how many people live there. Here are the population and steets in this small city. Also, you can find the distance from each city to Devils Elbow. This will be helpful if you're looking to find a plane ticket or are planning a road trip.
The population of Devils Elbow City is primarily white, with an ethnically and racially mixed population. The population is mostly white, with a racial mix of 12%. The city has a low unemployment rate, and a median household income of $45,565 per person. The male to female ratio is 0.93. Its ethnicity is overwhelmingly white (259%), with only 32.1% of residents being black or Hispanic. The high school graduation rate is 89%, and 42% of residents have college degrees.
The crime rate in Devils Elbow varies, depending on location. It is higher in the northeast portion of the city than in the northwest. This difference is mainly due to the fact that most of the residents of Devils Elbow live in the east part of the city, where the city's population is low. The west side of the city, in contrast, has a lower crime rate than the rest of the city.
The city is situated along the Big Piney River and has three bridges crossing it. The modern Interstate 44 bridge crosses the river, while the historic Bridge on Teardrop Road is located on Highway Z. There is also a historic bridge that is undergoing renovation. If you're interested in history, don't miss the historical bridge that crosses the Big Piney River. It was a popular route in the early days of the United States.