Dittmer, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning a road trip, you might want to check out the towns near Dittmer, MO. There are many interesting places in the area, and you can use a search engine to find the nearest big city. For instance, you can search for the nearest big city to Dittmer, MO, or look for cities that are 100 miles away. If you're in a hurry, you can look for flights to nearby major cities.

The table below shows crime rates for various areas of Dittmer City. You can compare these crimes to the average crime rate in other areas. The red crime areas don't necessarily indicate higher danger for residents, but they are often the locations of retail and tourist activities. The numbers are inflated because the crime map shows crimes that occur in residential neighborhoods, not just urban areas. There are many ways to compare crime rates within a city, so don't assume that red is a safe neighborhood.

The per capita income for Dittmer is $34,678 in 2018, which is considered middle-class when compared to other cities in Missouri. Dittmer residents include the rich, the poor, and people of many different ethnicities. There are a number of racial and ethnic groups in Dittmer, including German, Polish, and English people. If you're looking for the population demographics of the city, you'll want to visit their diversity page.