The population and steets of Ellisville City are provided below. The town has a small ethnic population, but many residents of this suburb are able to speak Spanish or French. However, the population of Ellisville City is not as diverse as it might seem. The community is predominantly composed of medium-sized mobile homes and large single-family homes. The vacancy rate is relatively low, at just 7.7%, according to NeighborhoodScout.
The median age was 44.7 years. Of these, 27.9% were under the age of 18. Twenty-five percent were between the ages of 18 and 24. Twenty-five percent of households were made up of married couples, while 34.4% were made up of individuals. Among all the households, 14.4% of the residents were 65 years or older. The population was composed of both citizens and noncitizens. This includes international students, temporary workers, and illegal immigrants.
In terms of climate, the city is characterized by four distinct seasons. October, April, and May are considered the most pleasant months. July is the least comfortable month. Ellisville is home to 4,551 residents, and is growing at a rate of 2.8% by 2020. Getting to work in Ellisville takes an average of 21.6 minutes, compared to 26.4 minutes for the National Average. In addition, the median home price in Ellisville City is $136400, and home appreciation has been 10.8% over the past decade.
If you'd like to explore the surrounding area, you can use this list of towns in the vicinity. Ellisville is located within a 14 mile radius of several other major cities. You can search for flights to cities within that radius or further. This way, you can see what is closest to your chosen location. It's easy to find flights from Ellisville, MO to cities within four hours. But what about the smaller towns and cities?