A quick look at the population and steets of Ewing City will give you a good idea of the neighborhood. The city has a total population of 259 people. The median household income is $30,625. There are no evictions recorded in Ewing City. There are a few factors to consider when determining the number of people living in this community. Listed below are some facts about Ewing that you should be aware of.
In the late 1600s, British colonists settled in the area. They farmed the land and named it Carleton. The township was named after the Honorable Charles J. Ewing, who served on several committees. He later became Chief Justice of the New Jersey State Supreme Court. The township was named after him and was established in 1834. This community was originally home to the Lenni Lenape Indian tribe. In later years, they moved into New York, Delaware, and Pennsylvania.