There are many ways to determine the population and steets in Fairview City. You may want to consult a census-translated guide to get the facts. ESRI and Census data are the most accurate sources to use for this information. Fairview's population was almost 900 in 1980, down from a peak of over 1,700 in 1900. The city is the sixth-largest in the county.
The population of Fairview City is expected to reach almost 50,000 by 2020 and over two hundred thousand by 2025. The city's population increased by 38% since 2000. Originally part of Davidson County, Williamson County was named after Hugh Williamson, a three-term North Carolina politician and physician, and a signer of the U.S. Constitution. In addition to its historic and architectural significance, Fairview is also known for its strong community ties.
In addition to the population count, the area is home to many businesses. As of 2010, the population of Fairview City was about one square mile. The median age for residents was thirty-one years old, with forty-seven percent of the population being under the age of eighteen. There were also single-person households, with five percent of females living without their husbands. One-fifth of the population was categorized as non-families. Twenty-five percent of the total population lived alone, which meant that one out of every four households had an elderly person. The median home price was $115,036.
The population of Fairview City is twenty-one thousand and thirty-one people. The median household income in Fairview is forty-two thousand dollars, while the median income per person is $19,506. In addition to these data, Fairview is home to a high-income area. There is a low-income area, and there are many homeless people living in the city. The city also has an urban poverty rate of 1.68%.