Fisk, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You can start by finding out the population and satets in Fisk City, Missouri. You can also use this information to figure out what kind of demographics you should be targeting to reach your audience. The median age was 46 years, and there were nearly as many young people as older residents. Twenty percent of people in Fisk City were under 18, while 6.6% were between the ages of 18 and 24. Fisk City has an average household income of $38,588. It is a good idea to look at how much home ownership there is in this area to get a better feel for what kind of demographics you want to target with your campaign.

Crime is not a large problem in Fisk, so the population per square mile is fairly low. There are very few residents living near parks and major airports. Because of this, crime rates may appear to be higher than they actually are. This is because crime happens where there are people. If you want to visit the area, it's a good idea to plan your trip around these areas. You can even use this information to find out which cities are 100 miles away from Fisk.

The median household income in Fisk is $26,250. Fisk is home to around 8,800 people. About 13.9% of the population lives below the poverty line. Twenty-five percent of people are employed, and nearly forty-seven percent work for the government. Fisk's median household income is $26,250. Fisk's average housing unit is owned by the owners, and 51.9% of the city's households have a high school degree or higher.