You might be wondering how many people live in Frankford City. Well, here are some statistics. These numbers come from the US Census Bureau and are updated every year. If you're interested in learning more about Frankford City, please continue reading! Here, you can see the current population, steets, and other statistics. You can also see a map of the area! Listed below are the most important statistics for Frankford City.
The population of Frankford is comprised of 478 people of voting age. Of these, 42.3% are male and 57% are female. About 10% of residents are older than 65 years of age. Most residents of Frankford, Delaware are employed, with 37.8% of the population identifying as White or Black. Other races include American Indian and Asian. Twenty-four percent identify as Hispanic.
There are some concerns regarding the future of the elevated service. The Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company has proposed extending the "L" into the Frankford area. However, a portion of this extension is in doubt, as four members oppose it. For now, however, the city is proceeding with the agreement. It should be noted, however, that the city will always reserve its rights under the 1907 agreement and valuation proceedings.
The Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company has submitted recommendations to the City Council. It asked for permission to establish a six-million-dollar equipment fund. In addition to this, it has presented a plan to expand the Frankford elevated line. This is now in the planning stages. The Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company also requested to establish an additional council meeting in Frankford City. The city council's survey committee has approved the bill.