If you're looking for some basic information about Fulton City, you've come to the right place. This article will cover the population and steets in Fulton City. We'll start with the population, which was 1,357 people in the 2010 census. That number includes children, as a whole. In addition, there were some unusual statistics. The city's median age was 35. And it's interesting to note that males outnumbered females 83.5 to one.
The growth of Atlanta's population led to an outbreak of a racially charged riot in 1906. Despite city records, this riot left at least 12 people dead. Other newspaper accounts reported an even higher toll. It was also responsible for hundreds of thousands of dollars in property damage, largely to homes and businesses owned by Black people. Eventually, a man named Leo Frank was put on trial for the riot. The trial was covered with sensational press coverage and virulent anti-Semitic views. The verdict was a conviction.
The employment numbers for Fulton, MD are fascinating. Nearly two-thirds of the city's residents belong to one of three major occupational groups: Health Care & Social Assistance, Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services, and Public Administration. Those three categories make up the majority of the city's jobs. And because of this, the area's population has grown at a 5.4 percent rate compared to the rest of Maryland.