Did you know that you can find out the Population & Steets in Gladtone City? Gladstone is a city in the Delta County in Michigan. It was settled in 1877 and was first known as Minnewasca. As of the 2010 census, the population of Gladstone was 4,973. The city is located off U.S. Highways 41 and 2 which connect it to Escanaba. It is also surrounded by U.S. Highway M-35 which runs 52 miles to Gwinn.
In 2019, the median household income in Gladstone, MO was $43,036. The highest paid race in Gladstone, MO was Asian, and they made 1.33 times more than White workers. The lowest paid race was White, with only 0.32% of households owning a car. This number is expected to drop over time as more people drive cars in the future. However, it is still a high number, especially when compared to the other Missouri cities.
The Gladstone Community Plan focuses on livability, sustainability, and outdoor space. The library is located at the intersection of two major streets and will have ample pedestrian access from multiple directions. The public will also have access to multi-modal transportation, including a regional multi-use Trolley Trail and two bike routes. The Gladstone Public Library will include both gender-inclusive restrooms and a family restroom close to the children's area.