Considering moving to another area? If so, you'll want to know the Population & Steets in Grayridge City. Overall, Grayridge's livability score is above average compared to other cities in the state. The overall score is calculated by weighing several factors, including crime rates, cost of living, and education. Residents are also considered to be happier in Grayridge than in other cities.
The Grayridge population is composed of approximately 128 residents. The population of Grayridge is estimated to be between 77 and 83 percent White. In the US, the poverty rate is between 10 and 13%. The median age of the population is 37, with a family size of about 3.7 members. The area ranks 18193 nationally in terms of diversity, and ranks 593 in Virginia as a whole.
For those looking for an alternative, there are plenty of small towns and cities nearby. Use the list below to plan your trip and explore the area. Or, look up cities within 100 miles of Grayridge to get a feel for what life is like there. The list below contains basic information about Grayridge, MO, including a ZIP code, postal code, and interactive map. The ZIP code, postal code, and extension are what give the town its name. To locate the zip code, enter the address you'd like to go to.