The Gunn Place population is 118 people, which is a rise of 5.9% since 2010 and 2.5% in the past two years. The Gunn City Place population is predominantly composed of white people and has a gender ratio of 1107 women to every 1000 men. Currently, 11% of the city's population is 60 years of age or older. The population of Gunn City is mostly employed in the educational and health industries.
The Gunn City population is composed of a mix of Native and non-Native American ancestry, with 22.5% of the population being under the age of 18. The population is mostly comprised of whites, with a minority of Pacific islanders making up 0.85% of the population. Native American and Black people make up the largest racial/ethnic groups in the city, while Hispanic and Asian people make up the second and third largest groups. There are also several different races, and the number of white, non-white, and black people in the city is growing.