The following table provides information on the Population & Steets in Hartssburg City, Illinois. This information is based on the United States Postal Service's most common name for the city. Hartsburg may be an acronym for city, town, village, or even a school. The city is also known by its zip code, which is D (Default). USPS assigns one default name to each ZIP Code.
Residents of Hartsburg belong to a variety of racial and ethnic groups. The majority of residents are White, with a small percentage of people reporting Italian, German, Scottish, and English ancestry. The most common languages spoken by people in Hartsburg include English, Italian, and Polish. Population data is tagged to residential addresses, so people may not live in the same house. The rate of violent crime per resident may seem inflated, but that does not mean that the city is unsafe for residents.
The town of Hartsburg was founded as a railroad station in 1893. In 1901, the community became a city, officially incorporated as Hartsburg. It was settled by hard-working religious immigrants, who worked hard to provide for their families and the town. Hartsburg became an electric cooperative in 1929 and had electricity before most of the state of Missouri. In order to finance city operations, Hartsburg residents formed a Progressive Committee, which is still active today. Two fund-raising events are held each fall and one in the spring to help upgrade the town's park.
Population & Steets in Hartssburg City