House Springs, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Demographics in House Springs include the total number of residents, the number of homes, and the percentage of people who live alone. The city is located in Jefferson County, Missouri. It is six hours behind Coordinated Universal Time. The population of House Springs is primarily white. There are a few minority groups in House Springs, but they do not outnumber the majority. As a result, there is very little diversity in the city.

Crime in House Springs City is low. It is considered safe compared to other Missouri cities. House Springs' crime rate is lower than the national average, and it is lower than the state average. It is considered one of the safest cities in the state. But crime rates can vary between neighborhoods. For this reason, it is important to do your own research before choosing a new home. The statistics on crime in House Springs will give you a good idea of how safe your neighborhood is.

If you want to live in a small town, you can check out the list of nearby towns. These towns are great places to explore and get a feel for the community. If you don't want to live in House Springs, you can try out some other nearby towns in Missouri. These towns are less than 100 miles away from House Springs. If you are traveling by plane, you may want to consider flying to a city that is closer than House Springs.