Hughesville, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following statistics show the race, gender, and sex of people living below the poverty line in Hughesville City, MD. The rate of poverty in Hughesville City is 0.00% among white residents, 1.49% for black residents, and 2.55% for non-white residents. The percentage of people living below the poverty line in Hughesville City depends on their family's size and composition. The median household income in Hughesville City is under the national poverty level. The age group that is most likely to be married in Hughesville City is 45-54 for males and Over 65 for females. Non-citizens include legal permanent residents, international students, and temporary workers. Also included are illegal aliens.

If you visit the area frequently, you might find that the violent crime rate per capita is higher than it actually is. The central portion of Hughesville has a high concentration of retail businesses, which may not be dangerous for residents. Similarly, crime is less common in residential neighborhoods. While violent crime per 1,000 residents in Hughesville City is slightly higher than the national average, it is not dangerous for the population.

The number of homes that have been sold in a given area is also helpful in determining whether the neighborhood is a desirable one. Homes should not all look alike and there should be ample space for parking a car. If there are multiple cars in a given neighborhood, you may want to look elsewhere. The quality of life in Hughesville is highly subjective. Some buyers prefer quiet, urban living; while others prefer a suburban lifestyle with less traffic and more open spaces.