If you're interested in living in Jamestown City, New York, you've probably already wondered about its population and steets. The city is located about two hours south of Buffalo and about 158 miles north of Pittsburgh. Its median household income is significantly below state average, while its percentage of Hispanics and foreign-born residents is significantly lower. Here are a few statistics to help you make the most informed decision possible.
The average household income in Jamestown is $12,082, well below the national average of $53,000. In fact, over half of the population, or 50.5%, lives below the federal poverty line. The town's mayor, however, is optimistic about the future. Recently, several businesses opened in the town, adding 75 to 100 jobs. A local industrial park sits half-empty. And, of course, a giant Walmart has created many new jobs, but it has also destroyed many local businesses.
The average commute time in Jamestown is 15 minutes, which is faster than the state average. The most common mode of transportation for residents of Jamestown is a car. While there are many public transportation options, very few people walk or bicycle to work. A few people use public transportation, but it is not common. Most residents commute by foot. Despite its size, the average income in Jamestown is only $63,000 a year.
The median age of all people in Jamestown is 37.7%, including those born in the city. Foreign-born residents were 52.9% and 38.3%, respectively. The most common birthplace for foreign-born residents in the city is the Dominican Republic, with 501,381 New York residents. China had 407,244 residents. If you're interested in learning more about the area's history and ethnicity, you can visit the city's archives.