Jefferson Cty, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are considering moving to Jefferson Cty City, you've probably wondered how much the population is. This city's population is comprised of both native and foreign-born residents. In 2020, the median age for all Jefferson County residents was 37.9 years, and the median age for foreign-born residents was 32 years. As a whole, Jefferson County has a fairly low level of education, with the median age of all residents of the city being 38.

The current sales tax in Jefferson County will expire in 2016, and voters will likely decide to extend the tax for road improvements. However, more than two-thirds of the county's workforce commutes outside of the county. The average commute time for these workers is 30 minutes or more. Although there is no direct correlation between commute time and working location, these figures can serve as general indicators of larger community concerns.

As a whole, the population of Jefferson County is growing at a fast rate. According to the 2010 US Census, the county's population increased by nearly 5% from the year before. In addition, the St. Louis Metropolitan Planning Organization and Jeffco Public Schools have compiled data from the county's 2010 Census. And, as of this writing, the St. Louis Region is projected to grow by 0.50% over the next 20 years.

As a whole, Jefferson County has continued to grow, with the population of its cities and towns growing by almost 5% each year. Currently, Jefferson is the sixth-largest city in the region by total population, excluding Lincoln County and portions of Warren and Clinton counties. The population of Jefferson County has been steadily growing since it was established in 1842. It's a beautiful place to live.