Jonesburg, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population and steets of Jonesburg City, Missouri? The population in this city is primarily made up of white citizens, with approximately 12.3% being Black or African American. Those who identify as American Indian or Alaska Native make up the smallest proportion of the population. Others identify as Hispanic or Latino, with 17.8% identifying as one of these races. The most common ancestries of the people in Jonesburg City are German, English, and African American.

If you're planning a road trip, it's a good idea to know the cities close to Jonesburg City, MO. The nearest airport is located about four hours away. This will allow you to find an affordable flight without worrying about traffic. You can also use the list to determine whether or not the nearest airport is located closer to Jonesburg City, MO. The population of Jonesburg City is estimated at around 4,700 people.

The median property value in Jonesburg, MO is $103,500, which is 0.43 times less than the national average. As of 2019, there are 698 residents in Jonesburg, with an overall population decline of 13.2% since 2020. The median home value in Jonesburg is $169,500, and commute time is 24.4 minutes. It's easy to see that the city has a high quality of life.