If you're planning to move to Koshkonong City, you'll want to know the population & steets statistics for the area. These statistics will help you determine which neighborhoods are safest, and which ones might have high crime rates. The population and steets in Koshkonong City may surprise you. While the city's crime rate is low, it can be an issue for commuters, because they must worry about parking, traffic, and parking.
When it comes to poverty statistics, Koshkonong has a low rate - 11.9% versus 14.1% for the national average - but it's still high compared to other places in the country. If you want to learn more about the people living in poverty in Koshkonong, you can use the resources below. These statistics will give you an idea of how well-off residents are, based on their family size and composition.
When it comes to ancestry, the majority of residents of Koshkonong, MO are of Irish descent. However, Hispanics also make up a small portion of the population and may be of any race. This makes the city's racial makeup less diverse than the rest of the Midwest. If you're wondering how many Hispanics live in Koshkonong, it might surprise you.
The USPS's Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) has the population of Koshkonong as 200. This city does not have a date of establishment, but it is located at 960 feet above sea level. This city is in the (417) area code. Koshkonong's population has decreased 5.66% since the 2010 census, and by 2.44% since the 2000 Census.