Want to know the population and steets of Lamar City, MO? Here are some facts. The population is approximately 7,744 people. The median household income in Lamar is $35,487. It is estimated that around 14.9% of the people live below the poverty line. The poverty rate in Lamar is slightly higher than the state's average. The median gross rent in Lamar is $562 per month.
The city is home to a number of diverse populations. The population is the county seat and the largest city in Prowers County. As of 2010, the population was 7,804. The community was named after Confederate slaveholder Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar II, who also served as Secretary of the Interior during the Civil War. He intended for the town to be named after his land office. It is currently planning to build a telescope near the city.
The median age in Lamar City is 39.6 years. Approximately 8.2% of the population is under the age of 18. The next largest age group is 25-34. Twenty-four percent of the population is between 45-64. And 19% are 65-plus. The gender ratio is 46.6% male, 53.4% female. There are no statistics for the number of single-parent households.
The population of Lamar is 4,266. The city is famous for its history and is the birthplace of former U.S. President Harry S. Truman. Founded in 1852, the city has suffered from numerous attacks during the American Civil War. The population of the city was reduced to four thousand in 1895. A new railroad arrived in 1898, bringing many people to the city.