Latham, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for the Population & Steets in Lahtam City, IL? There are 409 residents in Latham. You can tell by the median property value of $91,300 that the average home in this city is valued at. The homeownership rate in Latham is around 56.7%, and most people commute by car to work. The average commute time is approximately 26.9 minutes, and 4.16% of the population is Hispanic.

The crime rate map in Latham displays the number of crimes per 1,000 residents. The crime rate in the northeast area of the city is one in thirty, whereas it is one in 49 in the north part of the city. Comparing these crime rates is not intuitive. Fortunately, there are two types of maps that provide information about crime in Latham. One shows the highest crime rate, while the other one shows the lowest. Compared to the state and national average, crime rates in Latham are much lower.

Latham is a populated place in Logan County, Illinois. It has a population of 349 as of 2020. Latham is located at an elevation of 354 feet, and is part of the Town of Colonie. It is located in the Eastern time zone, with a UTC -5 time zone. The population of Latham is estimated at 1,278 people per square mile.