If you are looking for the population and steets of Lebanon City, Pennsylvania, then you have come to the right place. You can find detailed information about Lebanon City from the government website. The following information is important to know about Lebanon. It is located in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, United States. The population of Lebanon is approximately 61,500 people. Its boroughs are Lebanon, Corning, Cornwall, and Easton.
The median age of the population was 34.7 years, with 7.3% under the age of 18 living in the city. Another 9.3% lived in the age group between 18 and 24 years, 30.5% in the ages of 25 to 44, and 24.9% were 65 years and older. The racial makeup of Lebanon, PA is 49.0% white and 51.0% hispanic. The most common ethnic groups are White and Hispanic.
In addition to these two historical boroughs, Lebanon is home to the city's symphony orchestra and chorus. The city's total area is 4.2 square miles (11 km2), and its bordering towns are North Lebanon Township, South Lebanon Township, West Penntown, and North Cornwall. Lebanon is drained by the Quittapahilla Creek, which flows into the Susquehanna River.
Besides being a borough of the Lebanese, Lebanon is also home to a large industrial district that is responsible for manufacturing concrete and building materials. In addition, there are many small factories producing fabrics and clothes. The city also exports fruit and vegetables to France and other neighboring Arab countries. Wine is also produced in Lebanon and exported to France and Italy. Other imports include crude oil and electronic gadgets from Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.