Montgomery City is located in the state of Missouri. If you want to find out more information about Montgomery City, you can contact the city's customer service by phone or email. Montgomery City is home to five banks. The largest bank in Montgomery City is U.S. Bank National Association, with branches in the surrounding area. Other banks include The Bank of Missouri, Peoples Savings Bank of Rhineland, and The First Bank of Montgomery.
The City of Montgomery has a population of 2,616. This city has a Democratic mayor and a Republican mayor. Most people work for private businesses, with approximately 4% owning an incorporated or unincorporated business. The city is home to a diverse workforce, with 16% of its residents employed in construction trades and 23% in manufacturing. Another 18% are employed in education, while 10.8% work in retail and service industries.
The city's first settlers were Palatine Germans, and in 1772 Montgomery was known as Hanover. The city was incorporated as a town in 1782. The city is home to Alabama State University and Troy University. There is also an Air University campus, as well as Maxwell Air Force Base.
Montgomery City is home to several historic natural disasters. In the past decade alone, there have been ten tornadoes that have killed more than 100 people. The city was also the site of a category F3 tornado that had maximum wind speeds of 158-206 mph. It was responsible for $3 million in damages and injured six people. Montgomery City is also home to a large number of earthquakes; the city's area is 349% more prone than the overall U.S. population.