If you're looking for the Population & Steets in Newcambria City, Missouri, you've come to the right place. Here's a quick look at the city's demographics. New Cambria is home to about 92.8% white residents, and about 0.9% black or Asian residents. Only 0.0% of the city's residents are Hispanic. The median household income in New Cambria is $62,308 per year, and the city has a high school graduation rate of 82%.
Whether you're planning a road trip or simply want to know how many people live in your city, it's important to know where the population density is. Thankfully, there are numerous cities within 100 miles of New Cambria. Listed below are the largest cities and towns located closest to this Kansas town. You can also view the population & steets in nearby towns by entering an address into Google Maps.
New Cambria has 164 residents, making it one of the smallest cities in Missouri. The median household income is $513, which is less than the national average of $65,712. The median household income is also significantly lower than the Missouri state average of $71,000, which is just over two percent of the county's population. With this low median income, it's important to understand the income distribution in New Cambria.
The average high school teacher in New Cambria earns $34,154 a year. Located outside of a major metro area, New Cambria is in the Central time zone. Wired and wireless Internet connections in the city average 38 Mbps. New Cambria has a low road network and little traffic. In addition, its yearly rainfall averages just over a foot.