If you're interested in the demographics of Newark City, you've come to the right place. Learn about the city's population and its steets. You can find out more about the community's demographics on the Newark city website. In addition, you can read about the community's diverse religious groups. For example, 60% of Newark's residents identify as members of the Christian faith.
In Newark, NJ, the majority of the population lives in households with an annual income below the poverty line. The city council must approve the budget and hold public hearings to gather input on the city's spending priorities. Below is a chart of Newark's steets and population. Newark's steets and population is divided by race and ethnicity. White households are more likely to be below the poverty line than Black families.
The city's history includes battles between Gibson and the shrinking white population. In the 1970s, Newark's first African-American mayor was elected. The city's neighborhoods still suffered from persistent poverty and underemployment. Roughly a third of its population was considered impoverished in 2010.
In Newark, a significant amount of manufacturing and light industry is located in the Ironbound portion of the city. A major beer brewery opened in 1951 and distributed 7.5 million barrels in 2007. The manufacturing sector is becoming increasingly obsolete in the city. The service sector is now the dominant economic sector, accounting for more than 17,000 jobs in 2011.