The population of Newtown is composed of 13333 people, or 15.7% of the total population of Newtown. As of 2010, the percentage of renter-occupied housing units was 9.1%. That means that more residents live in rented homes in Newtown than in the past. Compared to neighboring cities, the population of Newtown is safer than 79 percent of its citizens. It is ranked fourth among the 100 safest cities in the U.S., by Neighborhood Scout.
In 1832, a survey map of Newtown revealed that the city's borders were occupied by the Cherokee Nation. The town was founded near a major trading road, which later led settlers westward. Many of the streets bear the names of former farmers. In the early days, several one-room schools served the community. One of the schools was located along the Old Alabama Road. Afterwards, the town grew to become a thriving manufacturing center.
The median household income in Newtown, CT is $111,125. This figure is higher than the national average. Newtown is home to around 977 residents, and its three largest industries include Health Care & Social Assistance, Manufacturing, and Educational Services. Among these, Information, Transportation & Warehousing, and Manufacturing are the highest paying industries in Newtown. Aside from this, the median household income in Newtown, CT is higher than the state's average.
The town is situated along a tributary of the Shenandoah River. Opequon Creek is another direct tributary of the Potomac River. Residents of Newtown City have many amenities, including a grocery store, coffee shop, and movie theater. And for those who enjoy nature, the town has many scenic spots. With all these features, Newtown City is a great place to live and work.