When looking at the population and steets of Nixa, Missouri, it's important to understand what the city is like before moving there. This article will give you some general information about this city, including its demographics. You can also compare it to other cities in the area or to the state of Missouri. Nixa's livability score is based on data in various categories, including employment, cost of living, and housing. You can also compare Nixa's livability score to the national average.
The population of Nixa was 1,636 in 1970. It doubled to 4,707 in 1990, then to 12,124 in 2000, and is expected to double again by 2020. There are 42 policing officers and 50 employees in Nixa's police department, but they don't have a building that is 6,000 square feet. The city's two largest council districts are the north and south-central areas.
The city of Nixa, Missouri, is a small community located in Christian County, about 11 miles south of Springfield. It is part of the Springfield, Missouri Metropolitan Statistical Area. The city's history dates back to the mid 1800s when it was an important stopover for travelers. Nixa is named after a local blacksmith, Nicholas A. Inman. And today, Nixa is a great place to live!
The median age of residents in Nixa City is 34.2 years. Approximately 14.4% of residents are under the age of 18. Another 8.3% are between 18-24 years old. The remaining 17.2% are between 45 and 64 years old. Lastly, 6% of residents are 65 years old or older. In addition, a quarter of the residents live below the poverty line. However, the city is a relatively safe place to live for families, and the crime rate is low.