Are you interested in learning about the Population & Steets in Northmount City, Missouri? You can get the information you need by visiting the city hall, which is located at a specific address. You can also find out more about city services and hours of operation by contacting the city hall directly. Its phone number is 816-261-7321. Here are some useful links for you to check out.
The majority of residents in Northmoor, MO are White, while the percentage of people who identify as Black or African American is just under 4%. The other two racial and ethnic groups are Hispanic or Latino and Two or More. The average percentage of people living in Northmoor are white and non-hispanic, and there are many different ancestries represented within the city.
The Census Bureau provides data about the number of households living in Northmoor. While Northmoor is not a county subdivision, its formal boundaries extend into Clay County. It has a C1 Census Class Code, but does not serve as an equivalent county subdivision. In addition, Northmoor is located within the Township of Pettis, a minor civil division of Platte County. In addition to housing, the City of Northmoor is home to correctional facilities, nursing homes, and college residence halls.
The median age of people in Northmoor, MO is 40.8 years old. While native citizens of the area had an average age of 36, foreign born citizens were slightly younger. The percentage of people who commuted by car was 11.1 percent. Residents of Northmoor, MO had the lowest median age of all neighborhoods in America. And they had the shortest commutes, according to the Census Bureau. Those are the basic demographics for a city to know.