The following article will show you the Population & Steets in Pattonsburg City, Missouri. This small town is located about 77 miles from Kansas City. For a more detailed look at the population and steets, you may want to visit a nearby city. Once you have a sense of the city's surroundings, you can begin exploring the area. You can also search for nearby cities to learn more about their population and their average yearly income.
Aside from being a small town, Pattonsburg has experienced numerous misfortunes. In fact, a recent Ang Lee movie was shot on its mainstreet, and the small town was used as a stand-in for Lawrence, Kansas in 1863. Production artists used antique facades for flooded-out buildings, covered asphalt streets with tons of dirt brought from Kansas, and even built a shack on top of an immovable railroad caboose. Sadly, this small town is now long gone.
The median property value in Pattonsburg, MO was $63,300 in 2019, making it 0.263 times smaller than the national average. The median household income in Pattonsburg was $37,083 in 2018, and it increased by 6.71% from the previous year. The unemployment rate in Pattonsburg, MO is 10.5% for people over the age of 16. Additionally, 14.7% of the population works for local, state, or federal government. The median household income in Pattonsburg is $3708.