The Population & Steets in Pleasant Wonder City, MO is just under six thousand. There are a total of 352 households, which are White, and eight non-Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native households. This gives Pleasant Hope a 0% Hispanic population. Considering that it is the second most diverse city in Missouri, it should be no surprise that its citizens are primarily white.
The unemployment rate in Pleasant Hope is 0.7%, compared to the state and national average of 65.4%. About 0.5% of the workforce lives in poverty, which is above the national average of 36%. Nearly half of all Pleasant Hope residents earn less than $21,000 a year. Those with less than the poverty line are considered to be living in poverty. The most common job groups in Pleasant Hope, MO are Office & Administrative Support Occupations, Sales & Related Occupations, and Construction / Extraction Occupations.
The overall population of Pleasant Hope, MO is 663. It was 663 in 2000, but is now growing faster than the national average. There are a significant percentage of military personnel living in Pleasant Hope, MO. In fact, the city has more than half of its population serve in the military. The city is home to more than a dozen military bases, and has a high percentage of military veterans who served in the Gulf War.