How do you find out the Population & Steets in Ridgeaway City? The information below will provide you with a quick look at the demographics of this city. You'll be able to determine how many residents are living in each area, as well as how much crime is committed each year. If you are curious about the number of crimes per 1000 residents in Ridgeway, keep reading to learn more about your neighborhood!
The earliest settlers in Ridgeway were Scots-Irish Presbyterians who arrived in the area in the 1790s. They eventually built the first church in town, the Aimwell Church, and have had many other churches erected since. Many have been burned and rebuilt to serve as the center of community life. Most settlers were from Ireland or Scotland, but some came directly from Charleston. Others came during the potato famine of the late 18th century.
The main thoroughfare in Ridgeway is Palmer Street, named after the first settler of the town, Edward Gendron Palmer. Palmer was a Huguenot from St. James-Santee Parish, near Charleston. He founded two plantations in the area, the Valencia Plantation and the Cedar Tree Plantation. Palmer also named the town New Lands before the railroad arrived. The community's name was changed from New Lands to Ridgeway City to reflect this history.
In the late 19th century, the city was home to the "World's Smallest Police Station." The police station was built as part of a WPA project and served several officers until 1990. The current police station was built on the site of the Town garage, which had been home to the tractor and fire station. The new police station is almost double the size of the old one and is now used as a visitor's center.