Rocheport City is located in Boone County, Missouri. It is part of the Columbia, Missouri, Metropolitan Statistical Area. The city is home to a historic district that contains buildings dating back to the 1830s. The city has a river that flows through it and is located in a rural area. The town is also home to the Museum of Art and Archaeology. The city is an excellent location for recreational activities and is close to Columbia's state university and large medical complex. In the recent past, Rocheport has lost some of its early architecture, but it is now slowly regenerating.
Although a small town, Rocheport boasts a healthy economy, with a growth of 9.85% since 2018. The city's economy is largely based on tourism, including the Katy Trail, which brings in more than 56,000 people every year. The city has also developed a public-private partnership called the "Accessing the Missouri River Corridor" project, which aims to connect the city to the Missouri River.
The age distribution of the residents of Rocheport is very diverse. The city has a high proportion of married couples. The city is home to the youngest residents, aged 20 to 29, and the oldest people are 65 years old or older.