If you're curious about the population of Rock Port City, TX, you've come to the right place. Below is a list of the cities and towns in the surrounding area. These cities are all within 115 miles of Rock Port. In addition to the city itself, you'll find a list of towns and big cities within the vicinity. You can use this list as a guide when planning your next trip to Rock Port.
The city is home to approximately 1,183 people, a decrease of 3.6% since 2020. It is also home to an average commute time of 17.9 minutes, which is below the national average of 26.4 minutes. The median home value in Rockport is $98,100, and the home appreciation rate is 3.5% over the past decade. Whether or not you're looking to buy a new house, rent an apartment, or invest in a new car, it's easy to see that Rockport has a lot to offer its residents.
According to the 2010 Census, the median household income in Rock Port City was $28,571; the percentage of Hispanics, foreign-born residents, and unemployed persons was below the state average. In addition, the percentage of households headed by a female, with a husband present, was 5.9%. There were also 13.5% of households headed by single adults, and 20.9% were non-families. The city had a median age of 46. The male population outnumbered the female population by eight-seven-to-one ratio.