The following table shows Population & Steets in Steelvill City. The percentages of racial and ethnic diversity in the city are shown. Areas in green are more diverse than areas in red. Diversity refers to the proportion of residents from various races living close to each other. A town with a purely white or black population would be categorized as lacking in diversity. The population of Steelville is about the same as that of the surrounding area.
In Steelville, MO, the median property value was $86,200 in 2019. This figure represents a 0.358-times decrease from the previous year. The poverty rate is 45.8%, which is lower than the national average of 64.1%. The median household income is $22,038. The median household size is two. There are a total of 687 people living in Steelville, MO. The most common employment sectors in the city are Manufacturing and Retail Trade.
The median age of residents was 36.8 years. Twenty-four percent of households were under the age of eight, while 9.1% of households were headed by a woman without her husband. Twenty-one percent of households were headed by individuals. Among all households, there were 19.2% of those who were over sixty-five. The city had a gender ratio of 47.7% male to fifty-two percent female.