White Oak city, Texas, is located in the northern part of the state. The city is home to the White Oak Independent School District. A smaller portion of the city is served by the Gladewater and Pine Tree Independent School Districts. The city's population has grown by more than half a million people over the past decade.
White Oak has a population of about 34%. This city's demographics show that white oak residents are on average around 34.5 years old. The percentage of people under 20 years old is the second lowest, and those between 60 and 69 years old make up the smallest percentage of the population.
The City is home to a variety of residential areas. For example, White Oak has a high percentage of married couples, and East Mountain has the highest percentage of single women in the area. White Oak is also a diverse city, with the largest percentage of people aged thirty to forty-one years old.
In 2016, there were 26,863 residents, corresponding to a median age of 38.7. Twenty-four percent of these residents were under the age of 18. Thirty-nine percent of the population was aged 25-44. Forty-four percent of households were non-families, and forty-one percent of residents were aged 65 and older. Males outnumbered females, 44.9% to 51.