Wooldridge, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following statistics are for the Population & Steets in WoolDridge City, Missouri. The American community is composed of sixty-one percent of whites, twenty-one percent of blacks, and one percent of American Indians. Other races are represented by 17.8% of the total population, while 2.6% identify as non-Hispanic or other. The most common ancestry in WoolDridge is German, Scotch-Irish, English, and Polish.

The population of Wooldridge City is 58 people, up 40.9% since the census. The average commute time is 24.0 minutes, compared to the National Average of 26.4 minutes. The median home price in WoolDridge is $194,200, and it has appreciated 3.4% over the last ten years. A quick trip to the grocery store will yield you a variety of food options.

In the United States, most residents are home-owners. Most homes in WoolDridge City were built in the 1960s or earlier. The median home value is $139,900, slightly less than the national average, and lower than most nearby ZIP codes. Renting a three-bedroom home in this city typically costs between $500-$749 a month, including utilities. Rental property in WoolDridge City can be primary residences or townhouses.