Black Eagle, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Black Eagle City is spread out among a variety of ages and races. The median age is 38 years. There are more males than females in the city, with 94.2 males for every 100 females. A majority of the city's population is white, but people of other races are also common. The city's median income is $34,036. The median age is slightly older than the state average, at $32,426 per person.

The per capita income in Black Eagle is $25,727, which is lower middle-income compared to other communities in Montana and the rest of the United States. This translates to $102,908 per year for a family of four. There are rich and poor people living in Black Eagle, as in any city. Ethnic diversity is also quite varied, with the majority of residents reporting being White or Native American, though there is a large proportion of residents with European ancestry.

The median rent in Black Eagle is $506 per month, which was $560 in 2010. The rent may include utilities and some building expenses, and is lower than the Montana average of $711. Compared to Black Eagle, the rent burden in the neighboring town of Townsend is $513 per month, and in Roundup, it is $504.