Charlo, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are thinking about moving to Charlo City, it is essential to get some information about the town. The population of Charlo City is 412 people, and the median home price is $334,400. The home appreciation rate over the past 10 years has been 7.4%. If you are looking for a place to live, the area offers a variety of housing options and amenities.

QuickFacts data is derived from the American Community Survey, Census of Population and Housing, Current Population Survey, and Census of Population and Housing. In addition to this, QuickFacts data comes from the Economic Census and County Business Patterns. These two sources are the most comprehensive data on the state and the city. Detailed information about the population is provided for the entire state and county. QuickFacts data is provided for counties and cities with a population of 5,000 or more.

Charlotte's low real estate prices are a result of affordable land. Many new home builders take advantage of the low land costs and build high-quality homes at affordable prices. However, homes in desirable areas can be more expensive than expected. If you are moving from the Northeast, you will be glad to know that real estate taxes have dropped considerably in Charlotte. For some people, the lower taxes will result in a lower mortgage payment than the taxes in New York City.