East Helena, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population of East Helena City? This article will provide you with information about the population of East Helena City. You will also learn about the economic status of this city. The population of East Helena is composed primarily of Whites. The minority group is Other. The city is home to a low percentage of poor residents. The poverty rate in East Helena, MT is 0.00% for full-time workers and 4.38% for part-time workers. The median property value is $168,100. The percentage of households that own a car in East Helena is the same as the national average. The median car ownership is two cars per household.

The city of East Helena is located in Lewis and Clark County, Montana. It has a population of 2,130 and has grown 25.4% by 2020. The average commute time is 16.4 minutes, which is below the National Average of 26.4 minutes. The median home price in East Helena is $321,200 and the appreciation of homes in the last 10 years has been 6.8%. The population of the city of East Helena is increasing at a fast rate.

The city of East Helena has a median household income of $44,828. The median age of residents is 44.4 years old, and the median household income is $44,428, which is lower than the national average of $63,267. The city also has a low unemployment rate, with only 0.9% of people living below the federal poverty line. It is estimated that 61.9% of East Helena residents are employed.