Flaxville, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for information on the population and steets of Flaxville City, Montana, you've come to the right place. This article will provide you with the latest statistics about this city and state. In addition to crime statistics, you can find out what the cost of living is in Flaxville City. In addition, you can find updated coronavirus information.

The median age of the population of Flaxville City is 49.1 years, which is slightly older than the national median age of 37.9. Only 0.2% of the Flaxville population is over 65, which is far lower than the national average of 15.2%. If you're looking for a way to get to work faster, consider carpooling. Public transportation is also a great option.

Approximately 95 people live in Flaxville, and the median household income is $46,250. This is below the national average, which is $46,567. However, the median income of residents in Flaxville is lower than the national average, so this community will likely experience less economic growth over the next few years. If you are looking to move to Flaxville, Montana, consider the following information.