Judith Gap, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the population & steets in Judith Gap City? The population of Judith Gap is estimated to be 110 at the 2020 census. Judith Gap is located in Wheatland County, Montana. For more information on the town, read the following article. Judith Gap City has a small, yet growing population. Find out more about the history of the town in our article below.

In the following table, you'll find a map that shows Judith Gap's population and crime rate. South Judith Gap has 5 crimes a year, while the northeast area has 0 crimes. You can also see the number of crimes per day. Because there are very few retail establishments in Judith Gap, there are few crimes. However, red areas don't always reflect the danger to residents.

When viewing these maps, consider that areas that are green are considered more diverse than areas that are red. In other words, green areas have more people than red areas. However, Judith Gap has a higher proportion of white people than those in the red areas. As a general rule, neighborhoods near recreation areas tend to have lower crime rates. This may be due to the fact that the population is concentrated around recreational areas.

Despite having a low population, Judith Gap is home to many people who work in a variety of fields. The median household income in Judith Gap is $35,625. However, a large proportion of residents (21%) live below the poverty line. As a result, the number of people in Judith Gap who earn less than the average American does is indicative of a poor economy.