Lavina, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may be wondering how many people live in Lavina City, Texas. Well, there are 194 residents living in the city, and the median household income is $36,250. There is no word on the poverty rate, but the number of evictions is relatively low. That's good news for residents of Lavina. Here's a look at some other statistics about Lavina City.

In Lavina, the median age is 39. The racial or ethnic group that is most likely to be living in poverty is White. There are also approximately 35 percent of residents who are Black. Only 8.41% of residents live in a household with one adult. The percentage of households that own a vehicle is considerably higher than the state and national averages. The city is populated with mostly white people, with many people of African American or Native American ancestry.

The percentage of people with higher education in a city is an important indicator of a city's quality. The higher the percentage of educated people, the better. Similarly, the lower the percentage of poor people, the better. The rate of poverty in Lavina is higher than in neighboring cities, like Custer, and Whitehall. In terms of the median household income, Lavina has an average household income of $40,883. The median home value is $82,900. The median age in Lavina, Montana, is 55 years old. Men have higher average incomes and graduate degrees, while women earn lower salaries.

According to the 2010 census, Lavina has 89 households. Of these, 52 households earn from $10 to $50 per year, and two earn over $100. Compared to Montana and the nation, the average household income in Lavina is low. The largest industries in the town are Educational Services, Accommodation & Food Services, and Retail Trade. There are many bilingual communities in the city, but English is the primary language of many people.