Loma, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Loma City, California has 9,649 total households. The total number of households was spread across 5,332 housing units, with 3,432 owned and 2,417 rented. The vacancy rate for owner-occupied housing units was 2.5%, and the vacancy rate for rental housing units was 9.9%. The population density was 1,283.6 people per square mile. The school district of Loma is a public elementary school, with a student population of approximately 1,300.

The city is located in southern California's Inland Empire. While the area is primarily populated by native citizens, foreign-born residents make up a large portion of the population. Those born in China, Mexico, or the Philippines were the most common foreign-born residents. The city is home to several medical institutions, including Loma Linda Medical Center. The Redlands Unified School District operates public schools for Loma residents.

The census population data for Loma City was compiled using the latest American Community Survey. You can copy this list into a spreadsheet program to analyze the data. Spreadsheets allow you to display the numbers in an attractive way. Among other things, you can view the population growth, housing data, and income statistics for this city. You can also view detailed demographic information about the residents of Loma by clicking on the link above.

The median property value in Loma City, CA is $56,400. This is higher than the national median of $240,500. The median household income in Loma Linda is $37,000. It is also less expensive than the national average. Among its residents, 38.4% are homeowners, compared to 64.1% of the country. Loma Linda, CA residents commute to work on average 22.6 minutes, a time that is slower than the national average.