Lothair, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning a trip to Lothair, MT, you'll want to check out the nearby towns. This list is handy for planning a road trip or arranging a flight. You can also see which cities are within 100 miles of Lothair to help you get an idea of what's nearby.

Lothair has a relatively low crime rate, and the city is safe. In fact, Lothair is considered safer than surrounding areas. The crime rate per 1,000 people in Lothair City is just under 0.07%. In general, the southwest area is the safest, with only 0.07 per 1,000 people committing a crime.

Lothair City is older than the national average, with a median age of 46. In comparison, the national median age is 38.1. Lothair voters are older than average and tend to favor republicans. In federal and local elections, Lothair races are close 0% of the time.

Lothair's zip code is 59461. The city is in Liberty County. You can find the location on a map. This city has a population of about 33 people. You can view the zip code 59461 on a map. Using a map, you can find Lothair.