Nashua, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to find out more about the people in Nashua City, then you have come to the right place. Here you'll find out the latest population and steets statistics. If you're interested in the city's political leanings, read on for some interesting facts. Moreover, you'll also discover the average income of Nashua citizens. By comparing the median household income with other cities in New Hampshire, you can find out how many residents in Nashua are poor.

The city of Nashua is located in southern New Hampshire, along U.S. 3 corridor. The city is home to about 85,000 people. The city's climate is temperate, with summers being milder than winters. If you're interested in a high-tech career, you might want to consider moving to this town. There are a number of tech companies here and there's a vibrant downtown area.

The South Nashua Commercial District is located along Daniel Webster Highway, near the Massachusetts border. It's home to the famous Pheasant Lane Mall, which attracts many people from nearby Massachusetts. It also benefits from the lack of sales tax in New Hampshire. The city is also known for its cultural festivals and events. You can enjoy the summer with a trip to the city's public libraries.

If you're interested in the history of Nashua, NH, consider a trip to the local historical society. The society is responsible for collecting local history and culture. In addition to collecting historical artifacts, the society also owns the Abbot-Spaulding House, a historic house that was built in 1804. Inside, you'll find fine period pieces and portraits of local people.