Sunburst, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will help you determine the Population & Steets in Sun burst City. This area has 328 residents and a median home price of $159,900. Among the demographics in Sunburst are the median age and percentage of people who are 20 to 29 years of age. You can also compare the median age of the people living in the area to the average for the state.

The population of Sunburst is estimated to reach 325 by 2020. The population is decreasing at a rate of -1.22% each year and by 2.40% since the 2010 census. In addition, the median household income is $84,345 and the poverty rate is 5.41%. The median rent is $685 a month and the median house value is $104,600. Sunburst residents are 39.9 years old, with a median age of 40 for males and 39.6 years for females.

The demographics of Sunburst are also interesting. While the city is located in an area with relatively low crime rates, the area's population density makes it a desirable location to live in. The population is mostly white, with only 1.5% of residents identifying as Hispanic. This small community is home to approximately 268 residents of voting age, with 15.6% being 65 years and older.