Wolf Point, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How many people live in Wolf Point? This small city in Montana is home to about 1,274 White residents, 1.14k American Indians, and 227 Two+ individuals. The median home value in Wolf Point, MT is $104,800. The homeownership rate is 61.6%, and most people in Wolf Point commute alone to work. The average commute time is 9.07 minutes. Approximately two cars per household are registered as vehicles in Wolf Point.

How many people live in poverty in Wolf Point, MT? The poverty rate is a measure of how many people in a community live below the federal poverty line. A lower poverty rate indicates a more prosperous society. The poverty rate in Wolf Point is 17.1%, but this figure is lower than its neighbors in Hysham and Nashua. Montana's poverty rate is 9.91%. So, it's not so surprising to find that there are fewer people living below the federal poverty line in Wolf Point.

The median age of all people in Wolf Point, MT is 31. That is slightly younger than the population of comparable cities. The city is home to a mixture of native and foreign-born residents. For example, people born in Canada and the Philippines were most likely to live in Wolf Point. And the median age of all people in Wolf Point is slightly higher than the national average, although the city is still younger than some of its neighbors.