Abie, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Abie is 46 and has a population density of approximately 1.6 people per square mile. There are 50 percent males and 50 percent females. The racial makeup of Abie is 100 percent White. The area is home to two general stores, a meat market, a hardware-implement store, a lumber yard, two blacksmith shops, and a livery stable. Abie also has a post office. Abigail Stevens was the postmaster of Abie from 1878 until her death in 1888.

Abie is a village in Butler County, Nebraska. According to the 2010 census, its population was 69. Abie is located on the west side of Butler County. The village is about 25 miles south of Butler, Nebraska. There are no other major cities within the county of Abie. The population density of Abie is similar to that of surrounding rural areas. Whether you're interested in living in Abie, Nebraska or just want to learn more about the community, you'll find it in our guide to Abie's history and culture.

Abie has a low percentage of residents without a high school diploma. Its highest percentage is comprised of college graduates. The median income of residents in Abie is $71,250. In other words, the community has a low percentage of people with an undergraduate degree. And the median age is 35. So, if you're looking for an affordable place to live, Abie is the perfect place to start.