Bassett, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information about the population and steets in Bassett City, CT, is provided for informational purposes only. This information is provided to aid in evaluating the quality of life in the neighborhood. This is particularly relevant when a buyer is considering relocating from a different city. The demographics of a city can indicate whether or not the area is a good fit. For example, 82% of homes in Bassett are owned by their owners, with an average household size of two people. Quality of life is a subjective concept, though: some people like the buzz of a city, others prefer the quiet of a suburban neighborhood, and some would not mind a commute to work.

The median income in Bassett is $31,333. The median age in Bassett City is 52.2. The median household income is $30,833. The median home ownership rate in Bassett City is 37.5%, which is higher than the national average of 8.22%. According to the Census Bureau, nearly one-third of the households in Bassett live in poverty. Similarly, only 6% of the population are considered to be homeless.

In Bassett City, the residents are primarily Mexican (71.4%). Additionally, many have Asian ancestry, including people from Mexico. This linguistic diversity gives the neighborhood a distinctive flavor. The language spoken in Bassett is Spanish. The residents also speak Spanish at home. Approximately 40% of the population is of European descent. While the Bassett population is predominantly Mexican, this neighborhood is special linguistically, with seventy-five percent of residents speaking Spanish at home.